A Day In The Life Of a Construction Professional


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Being a professional working in the construction industry calls for a sound mind and a technical eye that works hand-in-hand. A day in such a person’s life is a mix of different activities that are a product of the multifaceted work nature in the industry. Right from the scheduling of the project activities till the overall tracking of the work done, a construction professional goes through several channels and meets a number of people in a day, letting them travel along with a project as it progresses. If you are a client eager to understand a construction professional’s work or a professional themselves reading this to celebrate their variegated work life, read ahead! 

Here's the catch: This blog will also let you know how quality of work of such a professional changes when they have access to a cloud-based software like digiQC

So, clients, contractors and consultants, spend 7 minutes of your time to read this blog and be enlightened!

Keeping Up with The Schedule

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A construction professional is bound into a network of activities that come with a series of milestones set at the beginning of any project. This is why such a person cannot start the day without taking a look at the project schedule. The schedule points to the tasks scheduled for the day, along with their progress and deadlines, giving an organized flow to the entire construction process. The construction professional is expected to keep up with the schedule and also introduce essential mitigation plans when there is a delay.

How digiQC can change this:

When a construction professional has a quality management software like digiQC, their quality checks (both schedules and delays) get notified to them through digital means, reducing all the unnecessary paperwork.

Planning The Visit to The Site

The hybrid patterns of work have been normalized in the construction industry since the beginning of time. A construction professional certainly reaches the site at some point of the day and gets involved in the on-site activities as and when required. This visit to the site is also scheduled in prior and intimated to the rest of the team whose co-ordination is required for the task allocated for the day. The commute to the site, the time of visit and the key tasks shall be planned beforehand, for the visit to be fruitful.

How digiQC can change this:

When a construction professional has a quality management software like digiQC, they can file site reports in real-time. The on-site tasks are also accommodated with facilities for sharing photographic witnesses of the progress, creating transparency in the process for the management and the client.

Read more about this at the blog: Increasing productivity and efficiency by promoting digital revolution at construction sites

Taking Over The Supervision of Work

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Supervision of work is one of the prime reasons why a construction professional needs frequent trips to off-site and on-site locations. It is essential for co-ordinated work of the multiple teams involved in a project. Furthermore, a construction professional is required to supervise the activities to ensure the quality of work, both material and manpower based. They are also expected to conduct audits and quality checks on a regular basis to bring a seamless workflow.

How digiQC can change this:

When a construction professional has a quality management software like digiQC, their supervision through audits become easier with live updation of progress along with comments. On the other hand, they are also allowed to conduct remote audits, making projects of every type workable and successful.

Being The Communication Channel

A construction professional, irrespective of their position or title is expected to hold multiple teams together and communicate all work-related matters across the network. This comes to the rescue, especially in the case of risk situations such as material shortage, structural failures and more that affect the progress of a project. Being the point of communication not only prompts quick responses to the glitches in the project, but also promotes transparency that plays a huge role in client satisfaction.

How digiQC can change this:

When a construction professional has a quality management software like digiQC, they have real-time digital records that can hold team members accountable for a particular task. This keeps the client and other stakeholders updated with the project’s progress. The options for live tracking of project analytics and reports further helps control quality in an efficient way.

Identifying The Training Needs

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Every project has a unique set of requirements—while some call for innovative approaches that may be new to the workforce involved. This is where there is a need for training to acquire the new skillset. It is the responsibility of a construction professional to identify the training needs for the labourforce and plan them such that it doesn’t affect the progess of the project. Such new approaches shall be identified based on the project reports on quality, cost and time with new equipment or construction methods, whichever is found necessary.

How digiQC can change this:

When a construction professional has a quality management software like digiQC, the digitization makes it easier to identify the training needs by selecting the part of the labour requiring it from the inspection data analytics, by identifying the areas of focus with reference to benchmarks in cloud storage, along with acquiring remote approvals for conducting the same. 

Why Every Construction Professional Needs digiQC

A quality management software such as digiQC is a boon to every construction professional of today, who find themselves in the middle of a number of responsibilities that cost them their time and brings down the quality of their work. With digiQC’s cloud-based software system, they can not only customise their quality checklists but also store, analyse and communicate data in a secure channel.  

Eager to know more? Schedule a demo for digiQC and let our team demonstrate its benefits to you!

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