Important Trends That Impact Construction Sector

In the concurrent era of an immensely booming construction industry, new technological advancements are introduced every day.

To be in the competition and hold the positions in the market, it becomes necessary to accept some trends that are prevailing in the construction industry.

Winston Churchill said, ‘to improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often’.

Replacing some traditional and conventional practices with emerging trends, not only increases productivity but also greatly impacts the quality of the project.

Read through till the end to know the emerging trends in construction industry.

Key Trends in construction industry coming up in 2021

  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Drones in construction
  • 3-D printing
  • Robotics
  • Prefabricated construction
  • Exoskeletons
  • Green Construction and Sustainability
  • Management Software
  • Smart Contracts

1. Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Though the use of BIM in the construction industry is not new, it has picked up the pace in recent times.  BIM is helping the industry by increasing efficiency. It eases the management of data, models, and drawings which in turn results in on-time completions and higher accuracies in the construction projects.

There are numerous BIM software solutions available. Few of them include:

2. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR)

Noting the impact of AR, VR, and MR in other industries, the construction industry has adopted it well.

Levels of complexity are increasing in the buildings today and these technologies help the designers, engineers, and builders envisage the final product and detect areas of errors.

Coming years are set to see the increase of influence of digital technologies in the construction sector.

These technologies are used to visualize 3-dimensional structures, envisage problems, and errors before actual construction, and improve BIM visualization.

3. Drones in construction

The use of drones in the construction industry is one of the fastest growing construction industry trends in recent times.

The sudden outbreak of global pandemic has boosted the use of drones for site monitoring, to minimize human contact, and manage the guidelines of maintaining the physical distance.

The use of drones is not only limited to site monitoring but expands largely over different phases of the project life-cycle.

4. 3-D printing

Another technological trend coming up in the construction industry is 3D printing. The advantages of 3D printing are already outlined and explored.

The major benefit of this technology is that it minimizes labor and material requirements by its ability to prefabricate elements either on-site or off-site.  

This technology has a wide scope and can be used in different ways. It can either be used to 3D print an entire house, or print the bricks used for construction, and even print the 3 dimensional architectural and structural models for representation purposes.

5. Robotics

Robots are seen infiltrating the construction industry in recent times and are expected to increase their reach and use in the industry. Alongside, 3D printing, robotics is also becoming popular and finding its place amongst the workforce on construction projects.

Robots are used in multiple functions like bricklaying, road laying, and even in the post-construction phases. Robots are used in helping the building maintenance works like window cleaning of high-rise buildings. This tech trend has improved quality and lowered the construction times for the builders.

6. Prefabricated construction

This might not be the newest trend in the industry but has surely gained popularity in recent times. Like drones, the prefab industry has also seen a boost due to the outbreak of a pandemic.

Buildings can go up more quickly and quietly, with fewer materials wasted by using the prefab components.

It has gained popularity amongst the constructors because of its promising quality standards and faster on-site assemblies. This trend is sure to stay in the industry for the coming decades.

7. Exoskeletons

Extending the capacities of fragile human bodies by means of the exoskeletons has become an emerging trend in the construction sector.

For construction companies, this can reduce the number of laborers needed, by increasing the capacity of each laborer working on the construction site through the exoskeletons.

India is yet to accept this trend for the construction projects, but the day is not far when we will be seeing such advancements on the Indian construction project as well.

8. Green Construction and Sustainability

The concept of green construction and sustainability is going to pace up substantially in the coming years, because of the increasing concerns regarding environmental hazards.

Advanced energy proficiency and a drive for low to zero carbon emanations have driven development in building technologies and administration plans for quite a long time, and will be escalated in the coming times.

9. Management Software

Having an efficient system of managing projects is vital for any construction firm. There are multiple options in terms of software that are emerging in recent times. One such emerging trend is digital quality management.

Setting the trend of digital quality management, DigiQC is the solution for all quality-related jobs in your construction project. Explore all the features of this software-based solution. 

10. Smart Contracts

The emerging blockchain technology has a great impact on construction projects. Its incredible ability to give a safer and quick-moving work process that gives all the involved stakeholders more certainty and profitability.

It has gained popularity because it increases security, provides better project tracking, and automates the supply chain.

Instead of getting contracts and tracking deliverables from different parties, smart contracts can be enforced with blockchain technology to streamline the process of deliverables.


To summarize, the discussed trends are changing the construction scenario and the business landscape globally.

To survive the tough competition, adapting these trends is a must. The overall outlook is positive for the industry and the trends cater to the need for increased efficiency and better quality in the construction sector.

Every company can choose to either lead or follow the emerging digital trends in the construction industry.

With DigiQC, you can lead the trend of digital quality control in the construction industry.

Want to know more about the QC software? CLICK HERE to schedule a demo.

Reading this blog on a later date? Find the more recent news and industry updates on the blog Construction industry—An Overview to stay on the top of the trends!

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